
  June 8, 2021 Algal blooms…storm water runoff…septic system management…invasive species prevention…effective cooperation between state an...

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Off and Rowing ... almost


Sometimes a 400-mile row begins with a 400-mile car trip

Sometimes getting ready to get ready is more exhausting than the actual doing. This is one of those moments.

Some people near and dear to me are either recovering from a newly-broken kneecap, recently exiting kidney dialysis, or recovering from a compound fracture of the leg…even nearing 70, I’m hanging with a fast crowd.

But these folks, people who could use a little help or company right now, are telling me, “Al, go. Row.”

So, on the morning of the 6th, I’ll be off.

It’s a gift when people who could clearly use help sweep away the guilt and worry of departure and say, “Go row.”  The guilt remains, but the cavalry has arrived to take care of these folks, so I’ll go.

Peg (the kneecap) will be transcribing my chicken-scratch script each night; I write longhand in a journal, take a picture of it, and Peg translates, so there will be a lag of a day or so between entries and real-time, but things unfold slowly at 4 MPH, so there’s not much risk of missing anything dramatic.

In the meantime, please click on The” Why”…and the “When” entry in this blog to get the idea of why I’m doing this and what I hope to learn. The recent (re)union of the Lake George Association and The Fund represents a great boost in the prospects for Lake George, a real 1+1=3 moment. If my row can do any small thing to augment that momentum or to stimulate dialogue on septic issues in particular, it will have done something.

And if enables me to tighten my belt a couple of inches by the time I reach Hammondsport, it will have done something else.

Thanks for joining me in the boat, and please feel free to share this blog with any like-minded folks and tune over your morning coffee now and then to see how things are going. I’ll feel better for the vicarious pleasure of the company.

Here’s to hopin’ and to rowin’ !




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